FAQ's - الاسئلة الشائعه
لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا.
14- أنا من دين / معتقد معين ، وأعتقد أن هذا الاعتقاد شديد الحزم ، وهو ما يجعل عملك يتفاعل أو يتعارض مع هذا الدين أو الرأي أو العقيدة؟
لا، ليس كذلك. ليس من شأننا الدين أو العقيدة التي تتبعها. هدفنا هو مساعدة الناس بغض النظر عن معتقداتهم أو معتقداتهم أو خلفيتهم أو جنسهم أو توجههم. سنبذل قصارى جهدنا لمساعدتك وتقديم أفضل ما لدينا من عمل ومعرفة ، بغض النظر عن الدين أو المعتقد الذي تتبعه.
15- هل لديك متجر أو مكان يمكنني زيارته؟
نحن لا نقوم بذلك حاليًا ، ولست بحاجة إلى ذلك لأن جميع العناصر والخدمات لدينا متوفرة عبر الإنترنت.
1- Who are you?
We are a group of people from different backgrounds who came together to start the world's best spiritual healing center, where we provide items and services that get sold with a guarantee.
2- What is your experience?
Everyone in our team has more than a decade of experience, and we have been doing this work for half a century.
3- Is what you offer here in work and services guaranteed?
Everything we offer (except custom orders and downloadable items) is covered with a 100% money-back guarantee in addition to the reputation and knowledge of half a century.
4- What is Magic, is it real, is this a joke?
There are many different dictionary definitions and meanings for them. Still, we think Magic is life itself, and anything and everything that interferes or interacts with it, good or bad, is merely energy, just like life itself. While some forms of energy we can fully harness, measure, and understand, and some we cannot, or at least not yet!
5- What is Sufi? Are you a cult?
Sufi has many definitions. One comes from "Suf" which means "wool" in Arabic, due to the clothing that some of the mystics and meditators have worn around the ages, which is wild unprocessed, untreated wool that was very harsh on the skin. Another meaning is from the word "Safa" which means "pure or purity."
6- do you belong to a specific religion, system, or group?
7- You talk a lot about love. What is the deal with this love?
Love the highest state of mind and power that command and rule this universe. We believe that nothing is holding the particles of this entire universe but an unlimited amount of compassion and love.
8- How can I contact you?
Through the "contact us" page or our listed email.
9- Do you offer custom work, consultations, and advice?
Yes, we do, contact us, and we will do our best for you.
10- you say Magic. Do you believe in Magic?
Well, first, we must understand and agree about what Magic is. A thousand years ago, almost everything we do now was Magic, even a few hundred years ago. To make it easy, we don't believe in anything that we can't feel, touch, or sense. You may wonder how I feel, contact, or sense the work we do here; you don't have to ask me; you can ask the 10000 people or more who used our work and services.
11- Do you ship worldwide?
Yes, we do, with very few exceptions!
12- Is your work and services anonymous?
We take extreme measures to ensure that you receive the highest level of privacy and confidentiality, so yes, it is.
13- I need to learn more about this!
Feel free to contact us.
14- I am from a specific religion/belief, and I hold that belief very firmly dose your work interact or go against that religion, opinion, or faith?
No, it does not. It is not our business what religion or faith you follow. Our goal is to help people no matter their beliefs, faith, background, sex, or orientation. We will do our best to help you and provide the best of our work and knowledge, no matter what religion or belief you follow.
15- do you have a physical store or place that I can visit?
We currently do not, and you do not need to because all our items and services are available online.